Bus and Coach retro fit seat belt - hand rail padding


October 2017
BHI UK is Again Offering High Quality Seat belt and Hand-rail padding Installations

For more details please call 01522 689911 or email: graham@bhiuk.com


November 2016
Dear seat belt installation customers

It was a pleasure for me to serve such a decent and respectable class of customers and I thank all of those customers who sent in letters of appreciation for what my staff and I once did for them.

It is a great shame that so much of my engineering design experience has been consigned to the trash bin. I can however; pride myself on having achieved a 100% pass rate with Manchester Universities STATUS test centre.

The next few months will be spent consolidating the overheads and assets of my business with a view to reducing the overhead expenses and when that is completed I shall be leaving my young family and my country to seek a safer haven elsewhere for myself to live.

I shall be leaving my parts supply business in the very capable hands of my wife Lorraine Chetwynd, my technical sales manager Graham White and their assistants who will carry on offering you the best of their services as they always do.

I thank all those who had supported my seat belt installation business for so many years and without that support my very successful parts business would not have been made possible.

Yours sincerely

Adrian D Chetwynd


One of the projects I once worked on in an attempt to raise some money for my much more expensive Mk1 test plant was a confidential voting system. If you take a look it’s recently updated webpage I explain why I’ve given the idea away for free: » www.envosy.co.uk

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The Bus Depot, 1 Sky Lane, Haddington, Lincoln, LN5 9FL